Hayley's fundraiser for Group B Strep Support

Hayley Andrews 24th April 2024 This event has closed


I’m running the London Marathon next year!!! I can’t actually believe I can say that. It’s been a bucket-list dream of mine for as long as I can remember.
I’ve been offered a charity place to fundraise for Group B Strep Support. I need to raise £2500 (slightly terrifying) and I would be eternally grateful for any help with this no matter how small. I know that times are really tough and honestly, please don’t feel any pressure, I’m sure I’ll be able to sell you a piece of cake or something similar at some point before April! 😉
So who are Group B Strep Support? Well, it’s a cause extremely close to our hearts. As I’m sure many of you know, we were very, VERY lucky not to lose our son Jay shortly after his birth in 2010 due to sepsis caused by a suspected strep B infection. Our circumstances meant that we were still in hospital, he was treated quickly and thank God, he is with us today.
Our friends were not so fortunate and unthinkably lost their baby boy when he was just 19 days old due to complications following a group B strep infection.
His incredible, graceful and inspirational parents and family have already raised a staggering amount of money to help this charity RAISE AWARENESS, because that’s what this is about. So little is known about this disease and how catastrophic it can be, parents should be screened and babies could and should be saved through routine testing. The money also helps to support the families through their darkest of times, offering access to services and getting them the help they need.
Here is Ezrah’s story in the words of his mummy, taken from his ‘much loved’ page
